Friday, January 05, 2007

Welcome 2007 and Marhaba..1428..

It's the first week into 2007...couldn't believe that time has fly by so fast...I guess..this is because there were so many things happening in between the hibernation time..This year I will be celebrating my 45th. birthday's still a long way to go...As for's just numbers that indicates you are so far here on this much more time there is depends on Allah swt.. a blink of an eye or many times longer we wouldn't be able to tell... So..till my time comes I hope I can do as much good for myself as well as to others...

For this year these are my plans...not really a resolution but rather a continuance of the wishes of what I would like to do...that was not done in previous years...
  • Learn something new...figuring some folk-art painting in the days coming..
  • Be more discipline in my time management for the things I am doing on a daily basis.
  • Prepare stuffs for the house in Subang Alam for what I want to do with it..provided we receive the keys this coming July '07.
  • Plans for higher education for at least and location and budget..
  • Adzrul insyaĆ”llah will be graduating in where he'll be stationed and again more stuffs planning here...his graduation ceremony will be done in KL while getting the scroll in Kursk...
  • Getting more healthy....more planning here and determination..
  • Trying to be more organized with the household..ha...ha..
  • Cooked more food variety...trying to get a juicer too sometime in the coming months ..just loved the Berry Banana Smoothies etc...
  • Review what I have done for my inner self salvation.
  • Getting Zayd to be more involved in reading as I believe this will sprung him into greater heights...
  • Go for a trip somewhere..maybe Egypt, Jordan/Lebanon, London&Paris, Spain, Turkey, Switzerland, Netherland or Dubai...maybe after 2008..
  • Complete the basics of my tajweed lessons....memorize some surahs and doa's..

Well...above are just some normal things I believe I can do...rather than wishing to jump out of a plane, climb a mountain, go bunjee to consider the age& safety factor now... although it can still be done but I know there are more important things out there...One most important thing will to plan get togethers for my immediate family when all of us are all over the place?? Right now..July ~August are when we can be a complete unit..soon this time frame will have to change...I hope to be in their life more..that is more involved..but the facts are..sooner or later..we are all going to be about bases and time frame etc..etc... so 2007 will be more of a family consideration...

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