Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Doa2 Untuk Belajar...

As the title says...listed below are the doas' advised by Dr. Fadhilah Kamsah for just about anyone....especially for those who needs divine help in learning something... Frankly, I use it all the time and insyaƔllah..it helps you..sometimes without realising it...BUT..please!! Do not grumble if you think it is not doing anything for you COZ' actually something is going on..but sometimes we do not see it bcos it may not come in the way we want it or at the time we want it coz'Allah swt knows best...

Definitely..I need all the help I can whenever I sit down with Zayd for his studies..basically bcos lack of professional training I could not comprehend the best way to get him to learn best...just to get him to do better...as it is..he has come a long way...

I am practising it as I am facing quite a bit of difficulty when I am going for my Tajweed&Arabic classes..and getting to remember what is taught for that day..also for the other things I am struggling with...

Before starting the learning process, you can do this :-

DOA Utk Kuat Ingatan...
  • Al-Fatehah
  • Al-Insyirah
  • Ayatul Qursi
  • Ad-Duha
  • Al-Kautsar
  • Doa Nabi Musa..rabbish rahli,sodri,waya sirli.......

Selepas Belajar...

  • Allahumma Inni Astaudi'Uka Maa'Allam Tanihi, Faar DudHu Ilaiya, In'dahaajati Ilaihi Walaa Tansanihi, Yaa rabbal 'Aa lamin
  • Ya Allah..sesungguhnya Hamba mempertaruhkan pada engkau, apa yang engkau ajarkan kepada ku ini, Oleh itu engkau kembalikan padaku peringatan diwaktu hamba memerlukannya..dan janganlah engkau menjadikan ku terlupa padanya, Wahai Tuhan semesta alam...

After learning/studying..proceed with mind-maps, short notes, answering questions, remembering what you had studied with saying/revising it often..

The above after studying doa is still with mistakes on the Arabic version transliteration as I need to punctuate it properly for the "Alif&Hamzah" vs. "Ain"..I will update the corrections as I found it..as such please recheck also and advise me of the mistakes. Appreciate it very much...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Happy 24th Birthday..Adzrul Ariff Azlan !!

Time flies so fast....couldn't believe it that 24 years has just gone by....you were born just pass midnite on 11/4/1983..at St. Joseph Memorial Hospital in Murphysboro, Illinois. Attended by Dr. Janet Robinson. Papa was not able to see your birth..as he was on his way returning to Rolla from Carbondale that earlier on Sunday just at the end of his spring break. We were young then just turn 20 years of age but you are the one we have been waiting for that starts our life as a family.

Now..all the years thru' tears and sweats and happiness..we are where we are now. Our doa for you are just May Allah swt. always guide you, May success dunia akhirat be yours and our love forever wherever we may be. Not forgetting..may you become a great doctor and dapat jodoh dan zuriat yang diredhai Allah swt.

Happy Birthday..Anakanda...

p/s..cont... http://360.yahoo.com/rozieta_yusof