Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Feeling Low...Feeling Blue...

Hmm..what can I say of this uneasiness..bloating..leaking feeling? I guess you might know what I am talking's that time of the month!! I am having quite an unpredictable time of it lately...maybe it's the age factor now starting to factoring in...shucks..Anyway..the first time I realised that a change was coming was when after planning for so long to go for Ramadhan umrah..I had to get it cancelled the very morning we were supposed to leave. It just came with a big significant if's not meant to be again this time. Luckily..the love of my life take it in his stride..went to cancel the ticket and say bcos of woman problem..the airline will keep open the ticket without charge for a year..that's the beauty of it here if we come to think of it..Back to the issue at hand..I realise I cannot predict it coming anymore and so it come back to plotting the graph..yep..ladies..we have to do this sometimes..found out that now the cycle will be about 28days plus minus 1 or 2 days and the last 2x has been quite stable will be watching for the next few months bcos I am planning for the Ramadhan umrah again..InsyaƔllah it will happen this time with the grace of Allah swt.

Today not planning to go to the ladies halaqah as I am feeling sluggish..still haven't taken my shower yet but have made up the bed and the cushions in the living room..roam a few websites.. Sometimes I feel..if I start the day by not making the bed first b4 going downstairs it's gonna dampen my's still okey not to have the shower yet as you can brush your teeth first and clean your face and if somebody say there's a funny can blame it on the hazards of cooking...

Will tell you more about my plans later....

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