The best of nites...more than a 1000 nites...keep on reciting...
Allahumma Innaka Áffuwun Tuhibbul Karimun Äfwafáfu'anni..
The letter with ' is an ع pronounce it as such...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Nite of 27th. Ramadhan
Subhanallah..we have reach the 27th.nite of Ramadhan..although it was said that Lailatul-Qadar will fall on any days within the last 10 nites of Ramadhan more inclined to the odd nite...Many belief that it is on the 27th. nite...Insyaállah..if it's our luck the best of nites more than 1000 nites will be much as you good Quran...etc..etc...
With this 3 more days of fasting..and I havent even start with Eid preparation or even buying the required groceries..maybe tomorrow as for now trying to grab as much as possible the possibilities of the nite.
Unfortunately..I am not in a very good mood today..probably I was annoyed and feeling angry with what annoyed me. Keep reminding myself that its Ramadhan..What is it that I am annoyed with? Well..for some people to think that they can show whatever emotions they it angry or sulking or defensiveness or even outright disobedient....If you are angry fine..but why over such small matter a voice can be raise..why cant you just keep your cool and ask properly.. as if the matter cannot be resolved by talking/asking nicely..and as if its not enough you got to throw things around albeit just a piece of paper just to make sure to show that you are angry...or piss off with the matter....and for me to just absorb it and let it pass..Hmm..enough is enough.. how long can a person now I am the one annoyed and angry that I got to swallow all that is being dished...I ahve to always keep my cool while all the Tom,Dick & Harry around can just show their emotions...Maybe one day while its too late it will sink in..but for the time being.. I have a more important thing at ask Allah swt forgiveness for all my sins and may the blessings of Lailatul Qadar blanket us on this nite...
With this 3 more days of fasting..and I havent even start with Eid preparation or even buying the required groceries..maybe tomorrow as for now trying to grab as much as possible the possibilities of the nite.
Unfortunately..I am not in a very good mood today..probably I was annoyed and feeling angry with what annoyed me. Keep reminding myself that its Ramadhan..What is it that I am annoyed with? Well..for some people to think that they can show whatever emotions they it angry or sulking or defensiveness or even outright disobedient....If you are angry fine..but why over such small matter a voice can be raise..why cant you just keep your cool and ask properly.. as if the matter cannot be resolved by talking/asking nicely..and as if its not enough you got to throw things around albeit just a piece of paper just to make sure to show that you are angry...or piss off with the matter....and for me to just absorb it and let it pass..Hmm..enough is enough.. how long can a person now I am the one annoyed and angry that I got to swallow all that is being dished...I ahve to always keep my cool while all the Tom,Dick & Harry around can just show their emotions...Maybe one day while its too late it will sink in..but for the time being.. I have a more important thing at ask Allah swt forgiveness for all my sins and may the blessings of Lailatul Qadar blanket us on this nite...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Night of 23rd. Ramadhan..
Tonite will be the 23rd. nite of's the odd nite in the last 10 days and seeking Lailatul Qadar.... Azlan and Adzrul off to Madinah this morning and they have arrive well... Been telling Adzrul to take this opportunity being in Masjid Nabi during part of last 10 days of Ramadhan to seek divine help...Doa..doa..doa...Who knows if we can get the holiest of all nite dawn upon us...Subhanallah....
Allahumma Innaka Áffuwun Tuhibbul Áfwafa' Fu'anni...ÖÁllah you certainly Pardons, Love to Pardon, So pardon me...
Allahumma Innaka Áffuwun Tuhibbul Áfwafa' Fu'anni...ÖÁllah you certainly Pardons, Love to Pardon, So pardon me...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Day after 46th. B-Day...Part. 2
Since today is Thursday...and we have the Quran's my excuse not to cook for Iftaar.. he..he..again..banyak excuse kadang tu... Anyway..since Ayman pun balik from Bahrain to meet up with abg. Adzrul.. We decided to buka puasa at home with drinks and dates first and solat Maghrib and than go out to eat... We were planning to go either Applebees or TGIF..but Zahrah said that there's a new place in town of similar type..Tony Roma's at the corniche in Al-Khobar. So there we head after solat.. Although upon entering it's not that extremely inticing and certain foods on the menu was not available...we thought that TGIF would have been better.. Anyway...we did order some appetizers..Buffalo Wings and Shrimp K#$^%$.. it taste good..than the main menu arrive..whoa..size orang putih..pengsan nak ngabieh kan.. But the taste is good..we had become disappointed with Applebees actually bcos on the last 2 dinners we had there..first the food was over grilled and the next time the taste wasn't there...Mahal jelah dapat...and MK pulak dah ada..most of our dinner out was at MK's... But than like to try out new places..mak ikut je..anything if tak yah masak...
Day after 46th. B-Day...
Yesterday was quite an eventful day as it was my 46th. B-day 17th. Sept...alhamdulilah menginjak keusia ni dlm bulan Ramadhan. Moga segala doa-doa Allah swt perkenankan. But what I would like to write here were about past few days events...
- Sept. 16th....The day I was actually looking reason is THAT reason and another is bços Adzrul will be flying to Dammam from KLIA. Hope he has a good trip. He arrived safe and sound at about 9:00pm...We drove to the airport after Maghrib to pick him up...He was tired and decided to head on home but making a shawarma stop at KFUPM Mishwar restaurant. The mango juice was nice...This Ramadhan is the first after 7 long years we are fasting together since he went to Kursk to study...This Eid will be the first after 7 years too..since 2002...My head is clamouring with all the things that I want, might and will finally actually able to do for this Eid..
- Sept. 17th...Tepat 12 mlm I got my b-day wish from present can challenge this. I got a pre-B-day gift while we were in KL from hubby..coz'I know if its gonna be a working day..than he might not realise it till its'too late.. His comment "Hmm..everyday is your b-day la to me.. anytime beli present..." adoii...Anyway..for buka puasa ..Iftaar..I decided to cook nasi ayam...Earlier in the morning..Zayd gave me a big hug and Hannah too...he ask if he's first..hmm..abang beat you to it..shucks..he said.. Received several wishes from friends known in person and from blogs..he..he..seronok..yg tak seronok nya number tu..but alhamdulilah I made it this far and May Allah blessed my life now and till Hereafter... In the evening we went for terawih at Masjid Abu Bakar Sidique or Mujama Masjid...Seronok sebab usually only Azlan & I yg pergi and weekends baru kids ikut but tonite..Hanah&Zayd ikut juga with Adzrul. While coming out of the masjid a lady stopped me and asked about my tudun was somewhat a light pale brown in color..tau je lah tudung bawal ada batu2 and was a mixed shade of myb tanned teddy bear color...This lady as if she can have it from me..I said I only have this 1 piece but I do have ther colors that i haven't worn..this particular piece I have worn 2x...she said that the color was what she has been looking for to match her new dress... Again before leaving she said..Sister..if you dont have naother same color can I just buy this piece from you? You are my sister in Islam and I dont mind wearing whta you ahve worn..Huish...nak buat camne nie...I kata ok...but I balik basuh dulu and will give it to you...She wants to pay for it but I want to give it to her...dah pakai 2x pun...since dia minat sangat..since kat dalam masjid tak boleh jual beli..tak disukai Rasullullah dlm salah satu hadithnya.. So..since Ramadhan I naklah dapat berkat. I haven't washed it yet..see what happens tomorrow...Another part of the nite..after teraweh ingat nak go for teh tarik at MK's but the two younger kids do not want to go...send them home and just Adzrul followed us. At MK pulak..rezeki murah..Tuan Hj. Hakimey belanja makan mee bandung..walaupun b4 that kami dah makan satay and pisang goreng...aisyhh..tak leh tolak mee bandung nie sebab sedap.....lagipun dah pukul 11pm..might as well treat it as pre-sahur ajelah...mata yg ngantuk pun celik balik..asalnya..mintak biar share ajelah..but bila rasa tak jadi share..tambah lagi ada lah..Affandi & Izah was there too...Nice friendly couple..very close-knit family...we got to eating and talking and joking..sampai abt 12:00 midnite...Have to return home bcos 2 kids at home..Nak bayar bill..tup2 orang lain pulak belanja.. Hai..rezeki nie..mula2 belanja mee bandung..lepas tu belanja bayar the earlier food pulak..Jazakallah to both families...rezeki orang b-day agaknya...
Sunday, September 07, 2008
6th. Ramadhan Spread
After browsing thru' Elisa's blog..I was nagged with the need of wanting to have Paceri Nenas... the thing is that..I still have lots of yesterday left overs. Initially, I did plan to make Nasi Ayam but after reading Elisa's blog..I was tempted to try out making Paceri Nenas..this is my first time ever making it from scratch..and I believe the recipe came out perfect..whatever I lacked base on inexperience but definitely it can be better the next time. Beside Paceri Nenas, we had Ayam Masak Merah, Nasi Tomato, Salad and dessert since still left overof Pengat Pisang from yesterday. Overhere the recycling rate or types are unbelievable...
Today is my first nite of teraweh and it is so matter I do not understand a word of it but the way it's being performed..May Allah swt grant us the best there is especially in this month and may we stay straight on It's path...
5th Day Ramadhan ~Friday..
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Ramadhan again...
Alhamdulilah..we have completed 2 days of Ramadhan...Waking up for sahoor was easier so far..just because I have 2 alarms right at my ears although not within arms reach...Since Fajar is abt 3:55am..waking up 2:30am for me was a nice pace to prepare some light things for the guys who are goiung to fast. I am still waiting for my turn...
For the first day sahoor..everyone seems to prefer light things like cereals, biscuits and drinking tea, juices and milk. Hannah did not wake up since she was not sure... Iftaar was heavier for the first day since I got the chance to order some stuffs from MK..just to test the delivery...the timing was good and food arrive home in time to set up for iftaar...The food was split into two categories..before Maghrib spread and after that the guys can go to the masjid for jamaah after breaking their fast. what was available? Mee Hoon goreng..murtabak daging.. popiah basah all ordered from MK. Some dates and Sunquick for breaking the fast. Next for heavier stuffs..I have cooked ayam kicap, sayur lemak Kelante..and tapaw Ikan masak asam and ikan bakar..he..he..MK again.. Zayd loves the ikan masak asam...Anyway....everyone had choices... they were never those who will need many dishes to satisfy them..usually if there's more than 3 will get this is what happen. Just to quote Azlan saying...campur2 different kuah will make it taste odd..fine by me dear..masak satu all in one aje and than salad..
For 2nd day sahur...I guess everyone wants light stuff again..taknak sebu perut since after fajar solat..sleep for 2 hours b4 waking up for work and school. was no different except for the fact I did not fall asleep fast enough before waking up again...I was in a dream state that the kids were not up yet for school..opening my eyes I saw it was 5 mins to 7am and before the bus come. I ws calling out their names but nobody I leap out of bed..scramble for my glasses..rush down the stairs and know what happen next?..I slip and almost fall on my back and hit my head on the stairs..eventhough carpeted its going to be hard enough to hurt..Thought I was save as I grab the railing avoiding that fall on my back..ha..ha..too was slippery..dry feet and missing the steps..I lost my grib on the railings and fall on mu bum..hard..and slip down a few steps..Ouch..sakit nye ..I am now still suffering from being sore....Know where the kids were that I was so frantically calling out for..they are ready for school and almost out the door b4 coming back to see why I scream...At this age and weight falling is what I want to avoid..coz' don't know when its going to be hard to I am wishing I am more calm and at all cost if I am upstairs..don't run down the stairs...
So Iftaar today was a non-occasion in terms of foods as I am re-heating up yesterday dishes plus whatever fast enough that I don't have to stand for long. Well...this is the time when I wish for bazaar ramadhan...
I hope tomorrow the soreness will be for now, I have to take orders on what each want for sahoor...the easier the better....
For the first day sahoor..everyone seems to prefer light things like cereals, biscuits and drinking tea, juices and milk. Hannah did not wake up since she was not sure... Iftaar was heavier for the first day since I got the chance to order some stuffs from MK..just to test the delivery...the timing was good and food arrive home in time to set up for iftaar...The food was split into two categories..before Maghrib spread and after that the guys can go to the masjid for jamaah after breaking their fast. what was available? Mee Hoon goreng..murtabak daging.. popiah basah all ordered from MK. Some dates and Sunquick for breaking the fast. Next for heavier stuffs..I have cooked ayam kicap, sayur lemak Kelante..and tapaw Ikan masak asam and ikan bakar..he..he..MK again.. Zayd loves the ikan masak asam...Anyway....everyone had choices... they were never those who will need many dishes to satisfy them..usually if there's more than 3 will get this is what happen. Just to quote Azlan saying...campur2 different kuah will make it taste odd..fine by me dear..masak satu all in one aje and than salad..
For 2nd day sahur...I guess everyone wants light stuff again..taknak sebu perut since after fajar solat..sleep for 2 hours b4 waking up for work and school. was no different except for the fact I did not fall asleep fast enough before waking up again...I was in a dream state that the kids were not up yet for school..opening my eyes I saw it was 5 mins to 7am and before the bus come. I ws calling out their names but nobody I leap out of bed..scramble for my glasses..rush down the stairs and know what happen next?..I slip and almost fall on my back and hit my head on the stairs..eventhough carpeted its going to be hard enough to hurt..Thought I was save as I grab the railing avoiding that fall on my back..ha..ha..too was slippery..dry feet and missing the steps..I lost my grib on the railings and fall on mu bum..hard..and slip down a few steps..Ouch..sakit nye ..I am now still suffering from being sore....Know where the kids were that I was so frantically calling out for..they are ready for school and almost out the door b4 coming back to see why I scream...At this age and weight falling is what I want to avoid..coz' don't know when its going to be hard to I am wishing I am more calm and at all cost if I am upstairs..don't run down the stairs...
So Iftaar today was a non-occasion in terms of foods as I am re-heating up yesterday dishes plus whatever fast enough that I don't have to stand for long. Well...this is the time when I wish for bazaar ramadhan...
I hope tomorrow the soreness will be for now, I have to take orders on what each want for sahoor...the easier the better....
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