Insyaállah..soon enough these young people will serve their tenure and may they become what they aim to be and find happiness in between. Couldn't believe it was just 6 years ago...I was on the 10 hour bus trip with them from Moscow to Kursk and with some tears etc..we left them there to gain the education they chose. I remember the dean or somebody says in his welcoming speech...."Treat this place as a rich black soil where many things can grow....Gain the knowledge from here and spread them when you go back to work.."....I will dig some photos out to show how they were 6 years back....
Mumtaz ya..duktur...
1 of them anak akak ke? tahniah... semoga menjadi doctor yang berdedikasi.. Insyaallah..
Ha..ah..yg nombor 2 dari kiri belakang...Insyaállah...Terima-kasih..Sedih nya sebab jarang dapat jumpa...cuma waktu cuti....
Eh..yg nombor dua dari kanan pegang statescope tu...
COngratulations kak zie! :)
tu la.. neeza tengok yang number 2 kiri tu takde gaya muka kak zie pun.. yang dari kiri tu memang ada gaya...
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