Below compilation was merely done for my own anakanda's who are in a way or another taking exams. Some are confident and they do well...some are not so confident and yet they do well..some are confident but than not do well and yet some are not confident and not do well. Bear in mind its not due to lack of preparation but sometimes isues gets in like..confusion..panic and than more confusion..negative thinking...not having enough confidence..well..1001 reasons actually...
But one thing that I do say to them...Just do the best that you can do..prepare and study the best & the most that you can..basically to give it your all...and than Doa..doa..doa..insyaállah. But I do tell them..don't you put effort 20% but hoping for a 100% return...Sometimes we need to learn from mistakes and go further..provided we know why the mistakes this case the study...Utilize all proven techniques..learn to know own limits and strength and weaknesses and use the powers given to get what you want. The rest is Allah swt job....
As help the following where provided...
1. Dua While Studying Something Difficult
اللَّهُمَّ لاََ سَهْلَ إلَّا مَا جَعَلْتَهُ سَهْلاً, وَ أَنْتَ تَجْعَلُ اَلْحَزْنَ إِذَا شِئْتَ سَهْلاً
Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja'altahu sahla, wa 'anta taj-alu al hazna idha shi'ta sahla
O Allah! There is nothing easy except what You make easy, and You make the difficult easy if it be Your Will
Review your notes regularly even if for short intervals. Don't eat too much food. Don't do all nighters, study in chunks (psychologically better for you), memorize everything the teacher wants you to answer and re-gurgitate it back out for exams
حَسْبِيَ اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَ كِيلُ
Hasbiyallahu wa ni’mal wakeel
Allah is my availer and protector and the best of aids.
رَبِّا اِِنِّى مَغْلُوبٌ فَانتَصِّرْ
Rabbi inni maghlubun fantass seer
O’ Allah! I am overpowered, so help me..
رَبِّزِدْنِي عِلْمً وَرْزُقْنِي فَهْمًا
Rabbi zidni ílman war zuqni fahman
O Allah! Advance me in knowledge and true understanding
2. Dua after studying:
اللَّهُمَّ اِنِّي أَسْتَو دِعُكَ مَا قَرَأتُ وَمَا حَفَظْتُ, فَرُدُّهُ عَلَّيَ عِندَ حَاجَتِي إِلَيهِ, اِنَّكَ عَلَ مَا تَشَاءُ قَدِير وَأَنتَ حَسْبِيَا وَنَعْمَ لْوَكِيل
Allahumma inni astaodeeuka ma qara'tu wama hafaz-tu. Farudduhu 'allaya inda hajati elahi. Innaka 'ala ma-tasha'-u qadeer wa anta hasbeeya wa na'mal wakeel"
"Oh Allah! I entrust you with what I have read and I have studied. Oh Allah! Bring it back to me when I am in need of it. Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, you are my availer and protector and the best of aid."
3. For asking Allah swt benefit to what you do...
اَللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَ لُكَ عِلْمًا نَافِعًا ,وَرِزْقًا طَيَّبًا, وَعَمَلاً مُتَقَبَّلاً
Allahumma inni as'aluka 'Ilman naafi'an, wa rizqan tayyiban, wa 'amalan mutaqabbalan
O Allah! I ask You for knowledge that is of benefit, a good provision and deeds that will be accepted.[Ibn Majah and others]
4. For when you feel lazy..depressed..sad..**Things not going right for you with anything...
اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْهَمِّ وَ الْحَزَنِ ، وَ الْعَجْزِ وَ الْكَسَلِ ،
وَ الْبُخْلِ وَ الْجُبْنِ ، وَ ضَلَعِ الدِّيْنِ وَ غَلَبَةِ الرِّجَالِ
Allahumma Inni A''udzubika Minal hammi wal Hazan, Wal Ájzi wal kasal, Wal Bukhli wal Jubn wa dho'laid daini wa gholaba tirrijal..
O Allah! I seek refuge in You from grief and sadness, from weakness and from laziness, from miserliness and from cowardice, from being overcome by debt and from being overpowered by men (other people)[Sahih al-Bukhari 7:158]
1. Study Methods --->
2. Making constant Ibada, reading the Quran, and praying consistently, not only benefit you in every aspect of life (both here and in the next).. but it has been proven that people who memorize Quran have the ability to be succesfull in all feilds of worldly knowledge. One surah that I find beautiful, easy to memorize, and according to a hadith (which I shall e-mail you).. will cover the believer in the grave against punishment till judgment day is Surah Mulk. Other than that any surah, and actually the whole Quran should be read with deep content.
Study Tips:
1)Do the prayers at their correct times.
2)Pray a 2 rakat nafl prior to exam
3)Say بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ (In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind) - before commencing the exam - indeed before anything that you do.
4)Recite some du'as (like the ones listed above), and keep in constant dhikrullah (i.e. the daily dhikrs when waking, dressing, eating, sleeping, etc)
5)Come home and pray 2 rakat nafl after the exam for shukr (offer thanks to Allah) for granting you the strength and persistence and ability to complete the exam and accomplish goals inshaAllah
6)Increase in your reading and listening of the Qur'an and performing more ibadah (worship) (i.e. nafilah (voluntary) prayers and deeds).
Keep away from bad actions and deeds - Follow up a bad deed with a good deed, to cancel it out.
Also something which is highly found beneficial is honey, eating a teaspoon can help with memory. Herbs are good natural ways of getting antioxidence. So green tea and Chamomile are the best (I drink those)... And making eating healthy a lifestyle.. with fruits and vegetables.. are good sources. Some brain foods (Almonds, Fish, Eggs and Apples)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Kenduri Arwah....
This is an interesting entry I got from UKS....It gets me thinking of many practises that we do..most by following and not knowing why..basically Islam by tradition. Alhamdulilah..the chance we get to learn...we should explore the things we know and follow and the reasons behind them...Below is an example of the instances that we do things that may be conflicting....conflicts due to community issues ( eh..apa pula orang kata?) or intention is pure but it may not follow rulings. wallahualam...Whatever is the conflicts inside us are part of our jihad too...
In ummiku-sayang@ yahoogroups. com, wanfk wrote:>>
KUALA LUMPUR, 25 Jan (Hrkh) -"Perlu ke saya sediakan makanan danbuat kenduri arwah kepada orang kampung sedangkan keluarga saya tengahsedih sangat sebab baru sahaja kehilangan ayah tersayang?" tanyaseorang remaja kepada saya yang baru kehilangan ayahnya yang tercintakerana sakit kronik.
-->> Terkedu dan pernah juga terfikir dalam benak hati, namun keranakenaifan saya di bidang agama saya diamkan sahaja sehinggalah munculkembali soalan yang terbit daripada anak muda belasan tahun ini yangdatang daripada keluarga yang susah.
> Lantaran itu, walaupun sedikit kesibukan dengan tugasan, sayameluangkan masa mencari jawapan yang mungkin atau mengundang pelbagaipandangan dan polemik serta emosi kurang senang banyak pihak.
> Namun atas landasan mencari ilmu termasuk mahu berkongsi bersama,saya kutip beberapa pendapat yang boleh dijadikan panduan kepada semuakhususnya kepada anak muda yang bertanya itu sehingga saya membiarkandia termanggu tanpa sebarang jawapan sebelum ini.(segala kesilapan dankelemahan mohon tunjuk dan maafkan) > Amalan membebankan keluarga si mati > Dalam laman blog dikenali sebagai Institut Al-Imam Syafie (Intis)seorang Pensyarah Jabatan Tilawah al-Quran Pusat Bahasa UniversitiIslam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) Abdullah Bukhari Abdul Rahimmenulis amalan kenduri arwah ini sudah pasti menyusahkan keluarga simati yang masih lagi bersedih dengan kehilangan orang tersayang. > Katanya Rasulullah s.a.w ketika mendengar berita kematian Jaafaribn Abi Talib, baginda bersabda: "Persiapkan makanan untuk keluargaJa’far, kerana sesungguhnya mereka telah didatangi dengan apa yangmenyibukkan mereka (kesusahan) â€" Hadith riwayat al-Tirmidhi & AbuDawud.
> Keluarga si mati yang baru ditimpa musibah(al-Baqarah: 155-157)perlu disokong dan dibantu. > Amalan di sesetengah tempat ini adalah salah, kerana katanyakesedihan keluarga si mati akan ditambah lagi dengan kesedihan lainseperti bebanan kewangan kerana perlu membayar upah orang membacaal-Quran, sembahyang jenazah dan kenduri arwah.
> "Budaya mengadakan kenduri arwah bersempena kematian pada malampertama, malam Jumaat, malam ketujuh, malam ke-40 dan malam ke-100juga tidak mempunyai asas sama sekali dalam Islam," katanya yangdipetik dari laman web tersebut
> Amalan itu membawa kepada pembaziran jika membabitkan penggunaanharta si mati tanpa jalan yang betul dan membabitkan penganiayaanharta anak yatim malah Majlis Fatwa Mesir pada 1947 memutuskan bahawaamalan berkenaan perlu dihentikan.
> Ulama mazhab Syafie melarang kenduri arwah > Rujukan katanya boleh dibuat terhadap Kenyataan bekas Mufti MesirSyeikh Hasanain Makhluf di dalam akhbar al-Ahram bertarikh 27 Julai1947 dan Fatwa ini kemudian disahkan oleh Majlis Fatwa Mesir dandikeluarkan dengan rasminya pada 14 Ogos 1947, bilangan 377.
> Katanya lagi Ulama mazhab Syafie melarang budaya ini sebagaimanadipetik daripada buku Feqah Mazhab Syafie, al-Fiqh al-Manhaji.
> Antara petikan kitab tersebut yang berbunyi:"Daripada bidaah apadibuat keluarga si mati ialah dengan mengumpulkan orang ramai kepadamakanan dengan upacara dinamakan berlalunya 40 hari dan seumpamanya. "
> "Sekiranya perbelanjaan makanan itu daripada harta peninggalan (simati) dan di kalangan waris ada yang belum baligh, maka itu adalahdari perkara lebih haram.
> "Ini kerana ia memakan harta benda anak yatim dan melenyapkannyabukan untuk kepentingan anak yatim itu. Terbabit juga dalam melakukanperbuatan haram ini setiap yang memanggil dan memakannya." (rujukanjil 1/ ms 263, Damsyik: Dar al-Qalam).
> Dalam pada itu pada Jun 2005 blog tersebut turut memetik ruanganTazkirah di bawah tajuk 'Amalan Jahiliyyah Disangka Ajaran Agama' olehTuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat yang merujuk kepada pengarangkitab at-Tazkirah iaitu Al-Qurtubi berhubung isu kenduri arwah.
> "Dengan jelas mengatakan bahawa diantara amalan jahiliyyah ialahmengadakan suatu himpunan beramai-ramai diperkuburan, di masjid ataudi rumah dengan berzikir dan juga lain-lain bacaan, serta mengadakanjamuan makan minum dengan tujuan untuk orang mati, disebut orangsebagai kenduri Arwah.
> "Dengan jelas perbuatan itu tiada Nas yang menjadi rujukannya dantiada petunjuk sunnah yang menjadi ikutan, " kata Nik Aziz. > Kenyataan pahit dan mengejutkan (bold)
> Kenyataan ini kata Nik Aziz mungkin agak keras dan pahit sertaboleh jadi suatu penjelasan yang mengejutkan terutama terhadap merekayang mengamalkan perkara tersebut secara ikut-ikutan dan membuta tulitanpa mengkaji dari sudut ilmiyah.
> "Tetapi inilah hakikat Islam yang mesti diakui oleh penganutnyayang sedia kembali kepada al-Quran dan Sunnah," katanya
> "Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa amalan tersebut telah berakar umbidi dalam masyarakat melayu, sehingga sebahagian dari mereka menganggapbahawa amalan tersebut adalah merupakan amalan agama yang mestidilakukan setiap kali berlaku kematian," katanya lagi
> Kata Nik Aziz lagi sungguhpun Nabi terlalu sayang terhadap umatnyaterutama terhadap para sahabatnya yang sentiasa membantu Nabi di dalamsuasana damai dan perang namun Nabi tidak pernah melakukan majliszikir atau tahlil untuk sahabat-sahabatnya r.a yang mati.
> "Orang yang paling sayang terhadap Nabi s.a.w. adalah parasahabatnya yang sentiasa berada di sisi Nabi siang dan malam, namunpernahkah terdapat para sahabat berhimpun dan berzikir dan bertahliluntuk Nabi s.a.w.?" katanya membangkitkan persoalan. Soalnya lagi jikaperkara itu tidak dilakukan oleh Nabi dan juga para sahabat maka darimanakah punca amalan itu diambil.
> "Apa yang paling mendukacitakan, mereka menganggap amalan tersebutsebahagian dari amalan Islam, padahal Rasulullah sa.w. tidak pernahmenunjukkan contoh seperti itu dalam sunnahnya," katanya.
> Bagi umat Islam marilah berlapang dada dalam menghadpi persoalanagama dengan menghayati petikan ayat daripada surah An-Nisaa' 4:59:"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, taatilah Allah dan taatilah RasulNyadan ulil amri di antara kamu. Kemudian jika kamu berlainan pendapattentang sesuatu, maka kembalikanlah ia kepada Allah (Al Qur'an) danRasul (sunnahnya), jika kamu benar-benar beriman kepada Allah dan harikemudian. Yang demikian itu lebih utama (bagimu) dan lebih baikakibatnya." -Az> >
In ummiku-sayang@ yahoogroups. com, wanfk
KUALA LUMPUR, 25 Jan (Hrkh) -"Perlu ke saya sediakan makanan danbuat kenduri arwah kepada orang kampung sedangkan keluarga saya tengahsedih sangat sebab baru sahaja kehilangan ayah tersayang?" tanyaseorang remaja kepada saya yang baru kehilangan ayahnya yang tercintakerana sakit kronik.
-->> Terkedu dan pernah juga terfikir dalam benak hati, namun keranakenaifan saya di bidang agama saya diamkan sahaja sehinggalah munculkembali soalan yang terbit daripada anak muda belasan tahun ini yangdatang daripada keluarga yang susah.
> Lantaran itu, walaupun sedikit kesibukan dengan tugasan, sayameluangkan masa mencari jawapan yang mungkin atau mengundang pelbagaipandangan dan polemik serta emosi kurang senang banyak pihak.
> Namun atas landasan mencari ilmu termasuk mahu berkongsi bersama,saya kutip beberapa pendapat yang boleh dijadikan panduan kepada semuakhususnya kepada anak muda yang bertanya itu sehingga saya membiarkandia termanggu tanpa sebarang jawapan sebelum ini.(segala kesilapan dankelemahan mohon tunjuk dan maafkan) > Amalan membebankan keluarga si mati > Dalam laman blog dikenali sebagai Institut Al-Imam Syafie (Intis)seorang Pensyarah Jabatan Tilawah al-Quran Pusat Bahasa UniversitiIslam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) Abdullah Bukhari Abdul Rahimmenulis amalan kenduri arwah ini sudah pasti menyusahkan keluarga simati yang masih lagi bersedih dengan kehilangan orang tersayang. > Katanya Rasulullah s.a.w ketika mendengar berita kematian Jaafaribn Abi Talib, baginda bersabda: "Persiapkan makanan untuk keluargaJa’far, kerana sesungguhnya mereka telah didatangi dengan apa yangmenyibukkan mereka (kesusahan) â€" Hadith riwayat al-Tirmidhi & AbuDawud.
> Keluarga si mati yang baru ditimpa musibah(al-Baqarah: 155-157)perlu disokong dan dibantu. > Amalan di sesetengah tempat ini adalah salah, kerana katanyakesedihan keluarga si mati akan ditambah lagi dengan kesedihan lainseperti bebanan kewangan kerana perlu membayar upah orang membacaal-Quran, sembahyang jenazah dan kenduri arwah.
> "Budaya mengadakan kenduri arwah bersempena kematian pada malampertama, malam Jumaat, malam ketujuh, malam ke-40 dan malam ke-100juga tidak mempunyai asas sama sekali dalam Islam," katanya yangdipetik dari laman web tersebut
> Amalan itu membawa kepada pembaziran jika membabitkan penggunaanharta si mati tanpa jalan yang betul dan membabitkan penganiayaanharta anak yatim malah Majlis Fatwa Mesir pada 1947 memutuskan bahawaamalan berkenaan perlu dihentikan.
> Ulama mazhab Syafie melarang kenduri arwah > Rujukan katanya boleh dibuat terhadap Kenyataan bekas Mufti MesirSyeikh Hasanain Makhluf di dalam akhbar al-Ahram bertarikh 27 Julai1947 dan Fatwa ini kemudian disahkan oleh Majlis Fatwa Mesir dandikeluarkan dengan rasminya pada 14 Ogos 1947, bilangan 377.
> Katanya lagi Ulama mazhab Syafie melarang budaya ini sebagaimanadipetik daripada buku Feqah Mazhab Syafie, al-Fiqh al-Manhaji.
> Antara petikan kitab tersebut yang berbunyi:"Daripada bidaah apadibuat keluarga si mati ialah dengan mengumpulkan orang ramai kepadamakanan dengan upacara dinamakan berlalunya 40 hari dan seumpamanya. "
> "Sekiranya perbelanjaan makanan itu daripada harta peninggalan (simati) dan di kalangan waris ada yang belum baligh, maka itu adalahdari perkara lebih haram.
> "Ini kerana ia memakan harta benda anak yatim dan melenyapkannyabukan untuk kepentingan anak yatim itu. Terbabit juga dalam melakukanperbuatan haram ini setiap yang memanggil dan memakannya." (rujukanjil 1/ ms 263, Damsyik: Dar al-Qalam).
> Dalam pada itu pada Jun 2005 blog tersebut turut memetik ruanganTazkirah di bawah tajuk 'Amalan Jahiliyyah Disangka Ajaran Agama' olehTuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat yang merujuk kepada pengarangkitab at-Tazkirah iaitu Al-Qurtubi berhubung isu kenduri arwah.
> "Dengan jelas mengatakan bahawa diantara amalan jahiliyyah ialahmengadakan suatu himpunan beramai-ramai diperkuburan, di masjid ataudi rumah dengan berzikir dan juga lain-lain bacaan, serta mengadakanjamuan makan minum dengan tujuan untuk orang mati, disebut orangsebagai kenduri Arwah.
> "Dengan jelas perbuatan itu tiada Nas yang menjadi rujukannya dantiada petunjuk sunnah yang menjadi ikutan, " kata Nik Aziz. > Kenyataan pahit dan mengejutkan (bold)
> Kenyataan ini kata Nik Aziz mungkin agak keras dan pahit sertaboleh jadi suatu penjelasan yang mengejutkan terutama terhadap merekayang mengamalkan perkara tersebut secara ikut-ikutan dan membuta tulitanpa mengkaji dari sudut ilmiyah.
> "Tetapi inilah hakikat Islam yang mesti diakui oleh penganutnyayang sedia kembali kepada al-Quran dan Sunnah," katanya
> "Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa amalan tersebut telah berakar umbidi dalam masyarakat melayu, sehingga sebahagian dari mereka menganggapbahawa amalan tersebut adalah merupakan amalan agama yang mestidilakukan setiap kali berlaku kematian," katanya lagi
> Kata Nik Aziz lagi sungguhpun Nabi terlalu sayang terhadap umatnyaterutama terhadap para sahabatnya yang sentiasa membantu Nabi di dalamsuasana damai dan perang namun Nabi tidak pernah melakukan majliszikir atau tahlil untuk sahabat-sahabatnya r.a yang mati.
> "Orang yang paling sayang terhadap Nabi s.a.w. adalah parasahabatnya yang sentiasa berada di sisi Nabi siang dan malam, namunpernahkah terdapat para sahabat berhimpun dan berzikir dan bertahliluntuk Nabi s.a.w.?" katanya membangkitkan persoalan. Soalnya lagi jikaperkara itu tidak dilakukan oleh Nabi dan juga para sahabat maka darimanakah punca amalan itu diambil.
> "Apa yang paling mendukacitakan, mereka menganggap amalan tersebutsebahagian dari amalan Islam, padahal Rasulullah sa.w. tidak pernahmenunjukkan contoh seperti itu dalam sunnahnya," katanya.
> Bagi umat Islam marilah berlapang dada dalam menghadpi persoalanagama dengan menghayati petikan ayat daripada surah An-Nisaa' 4:59:"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, taatilah Allah dan taatilah RasulNyadan ulil amri di antara kamu. Kemudian jika kamu berlainan pendapattentang sesuatu, maka kembalikanlah ia kepada Allah (Al Qur'an) danRasul (sunnahnya), jika kamu benar-benar beriman kepada Allah dan harikemudian. Yang demikian itu lebih utama (bagimu) dan lebih baikakibatnya." -Az> >
Monday, May 19, 2008
This issue keep circling in my mind. Basically I don't know much for what to say about it coz' I dont even know where to begin...One thing I is faced by many women and their initiatives were either to ask about it and non-commital answers given or more ridiculously being given a look like..hey..its my money so I know how to take care of it...But money here is hardly the issue....the issue will be how to go on after the inevitable happens. Many women once face with these issues will just shrug it off...malas nak tanya lagi..bising telinga...and just go on with life...But the very minimum we need to know how it is coz'if we are left back we know where to even begin....I am talking about death and specifically if the husbnad were to leave first and we are with still school going kids...
Things that mystify some but clear to the very few are :-
Things that mystify some but clear to the very few are :-
- EPF....nama pewaris. What actually does the pewaris can do? We need to find out about this..I am not sure myself...There's 3 spaces for names of pewaris. Know who they are and especially if you are one of them...or worst case NOT one of the names..If you are in this case then there will be many things that we need to find out further..especially if the wife was a homemaker from beginning...Many cases happens that the pewaris names were that of parents or siblings....alasan nya..Ala..lupa nak update...Tahulah nanti adik/abang I nak take care of you&kids..taulah parents I nak take care juga...Kang I letak nama you(wife) jadi janda kaya you pulak...kalau you kahwin lain..untunglah suami baru..ekekek.. Soo..jealous juga rupanya sampai gitu sekali nak interpretation lah...Tak nak nanti duit yg dapat kot banyak.. menyenangkan orang baru..itupun jika benar bagai disangka.. Tak teringat ke..siapa yang akan lebih prihatin hal kebajikan anak2...Siapa yang akan lebih menyusahkan dirinya demi anak2... Pernah dan banyak kali berlaku...suami mati dan duit EPF yg agak lumayan diletak pewaris pada abang...dan parents..nama isteri dan anak takde... Maka apa yang jadi..isteri satu sen tak dapat so anak2 tak dapat juga..pewaris lebih berkata dah letak nama dia maka untuk dia lah..if nak bagi wife dah lama tukar nama... Tak ke nama pewaris tu sebagai pemegang amanah utk menjaga kebajikan org yg ditinggalkan lebih2 lagi anak2...Bagi harta anak yatim tu bukannya untuk dibolot... By even thinking that you can't trust your wife after you die and all your hard earned money will go to someone else if she remarries... so tinggalkan pada orang lain to take care..this to me is such a humiliation to the wife after so long being together with her thru thick or thin.. unless lah wife ni bukan that wifely type...
- I heard this being said too....." I tak taulah kat mana and berapa duit simpanan dia" Bila tanya dia marah malas lah nak tanya..asal semua cukup dah..Rumah pun belum ada lagi bila balik2 cuti kn tumpang rumah in-laws dulu or duduk hotel ke.... Semasa hidup maybe things will be okay...but once he is gone where are we going to get hold of all this information. When we dont know even the bank and account number...let alone how much....
Since I am still pondering on these issues and contemplating each of them to improve on my own situation will definitely needs lots of discussion. My priviliges in all this are being open to each other and decided together on most of it but we still have many unsettled issues that need clarifying so that things are more or less settled with the what if both of us gone together....
It's Blowing Sand Out There...
Today seems slightly gloomy coz' the sand is in the wind....but at the same time many many things is trying to overcome me..and part of me is still in pause mode..still lazing around. Maleh..nak buat apa bende... will be 7 weeks till when we will be back in Malaysia for the ritual repat..this year the air tickets we bought it way back end January..some people call it crazy but its just precaution against rising prices and conflicting schedules. But then matter how sure you are of certain ends up being a mess no doubt. Why?? This time a few factors disturb our intial plans...the hubby got a new boss recently and he panics looking at the leave schedule for summer...well..the oil has got to be pumped out no matter who goes on leave..if not probably we dont enjoy the SR0.45 per liter gas. Anyway..we couldnt change the departure date due to the increase in prices and only change Azlan's return date a week earlier. Now I am not having the confidence of staying back another week in Malaysia or probably extended further due to Adzrul might not get certain things settle bcos he will also return late to Malaysia. He may only just meet Azlan for about 12 days....
Next..after the dates are more or less settle. The next decision will be where to stay. Since the house is not ready yet..we cant stay there. We need to get people to come and do something. Lately the help was ever so busy so we got to wait once he got a breather...But he has make the decision much easier for short-listing the contractors and than it is just
I have arranged for us to be in Shah Alam for a week and than fly back to Kelantan for a few return to KL for 2 weeks somewhere and the plan stuck there...still ahve another 2 weeks to plan for. In between will run to Seremban...maybe Bukit Merah and if no choice to Sunway Lagoon as a peace offereing to Hannah..who is so into this theme park & water park recreation whatsoever and no matter what...She is accusing me of promising to her less than half-hearted. Thus..the plan stays in KL where she said..."Doesnt matter where but KL..ada pool and near KLCC" Macam lah nak shopping giler...
The plan is still going on.... will be 7 weeks till when we will be back in Malaysia for the ritual repat..this year the air tickets we bought it way back end January..some people call it crazy but its just precaution against rising prices and conflicting schedules. But then matter how sure you are of certain ends up being a mess no doubt. Why?? This time a few factors disturb our intial plans...the hubby got a new boss recently and he panics looking at the leave schedule for summer...well..the oil has got to be pumped out no matter who goes on leave..if not probably we dont enjoy the SR0.45 per liter gas. Anyway..we couldnt change the departure date due to the increase in prices and only change Azlan's return date a week earlier. Now I am not having the confidence of staying back another week in Malaysia or probably extended further due to Adzrul might not get certain things settle bcos he will also return late to Malaysia. He may only just meet Azlan for about 12 days....
Next..after the dates are more or less settle. The next decision will be where to stay. Since the house is not ready yet..we cant stay there. We need to get people to come and do something. Lately the help was ever so busy so we got to wait once he got a breather...But he has make the decision much easier for short-listing the contractors and than it is just
I have arranged for us to be in Shah Alam for a week and than fly back to Kelantan for a few return to KL for 2 weeks somewhere and the plan stuck there...still ahve another 2 weeks to plan for. In between will run to Seremban...maybe Bukit Merah and if no choice to Sunway Lagoon as a peace offereing to Hannah..who is so into this theme park & water park recreation whatsoever and no matter what...She is accusing me of promising to her less than half-hearted. Thus..the plan stays in KL where she said..."Doesnt matter where but KL..ada pool and near KLCC" Macam lah nak shopping giler...
The plan is still going on....
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wishful Thinking...
Do you realise how fast time flies? Sometimes while you are doing nothing too...tup..tup..dah weekend..Eikk..banyak lagi benda yang tak terbuat ni! And than again I will come up with a resolve that next week I shall do better...
Well..the matter of fact is that being alive is an unsure thing but death is definite...Being alive we need to cherished the time that we still have to honor our promise "Laillahaillallah..". How do we do all deeds that we do in the time that we have..How so...?? Believe in Allah swt mercies and the forever forgiving...Like a talk given by Prof. Jamal Badawi recently...Rasullullah saw. draws 2 points on a sand and draw a straight line between these 2 points...then he draw several other lines that is not straight but still linking the two points....He says the shortest distance between two points will always be the straight line. Think about it !! But this short distance is full of trials and tribulations while the longer line is merrier..this depicts part of life...we dont have to bother about much and we still move on and at the end of the day we wonder where has our life gone too...while the straight line...the trials and tribulations are actually the difficulty that we feel to fit it into the needs of this life...we found such difficulty to bring along our religion with us..we want it to be something is and yet it is not...How do we go about doing this? Always remember Allah's mercies and that HE knows whatever it is and since we dont know..HE gives us freewill to choose..good or bad, right or order to make good choices we need to educate ourself...we need good companions...we need reminders...etc...etc....being human...easily we fall and easily with faith we can come up again....Understand that this world is temporary even with all its glories....that the Hereafter is what we should aim for...and yet we fear..fear of the judgement of the wrongs that we did...the backbitings..the promise to Allah swt that we forgot along the way..the promise to obey HIM...but always believe that whatever it is only Allah swt we should not despair in knowing this...and keep on trying..there's no despairing and giving up!!
Well...what I want to say was just about WORRYING...we worry too much...will I pass the test.. will I have enough money...we lose sleep over things... and yet worrying about things like this we did not do anything to overcome it..we just worry for the sake of worrying...Since its already predetermined from 50000 years b4 earth is made so what we do has no basis in changing what is predetermined? Our Qadar...means measures... Here is where we oversimplify by thinking... whats the use of trying for example....since Allah has decree it all... Yes our life has been predetermined by Allah swt but we did not know what it is...we do not know what our actions can do...but by the choices that we have..the freewill to decide we can make good and bad decisions... thats why we have the Quran and Hadith to guide us...Its not as easy or as difficult that we might think..but definitely we need to seek knowledge..explore... find out from scholars for those issues that requires not merely take the word of someone whom we are not sure of their going to a heart surgeon for consultation while the pain is only about your tooth..should have gone to the dentist first..Seek from those in the right field to make us understand...
Like my ustazah use to say also...Emm..I want to learn Arabic or memorize this doa..but we did not go and find a teacher..we did not do any homework...we did not take action..we just wish it and hopes everything will come to us without us doing nothing...When somebody ask something we tend to give out fatwa's...not really answering the questions...We say Ooo..this is Haram..this is Halal...Need to understand this more....
Well..the matter of fact is that being alive is an unsure thing but death is definite...Being alive we need to cherished the time that we still have to honor our promise "Laillahaillallah..". How do we do all deeds that we do in the time that we have..How so...?? Believe in Allah swt mercies and the forever forgiving...Like a talk given by Prof. Jamal Badawi recently...Rasullullah saw. draws 2 points on a sand and draw a straight line between these 2 points...then he draw several other lines that is not straight but still linking the two points....He says the shortest distance between two points will always be the straight line. Think about it !! But this short distance is full of trials and tribulations while the longer line is merrier..this depicts part of life...we dont have to bother about much and we still move on and at the end of the day we wonder where has our life gone too...while the straight line...the trials and tribulations are actually the difficulty that we feel to fit it into the needs of this life...we found such difficulty to bring along our religion with us..we want it to be something is and yet it is not...How do we go about doing this? Always remember Allah's mercies and that HE knows whatever it is and since we dont know..HE gives us freewill to choose..good or bad, right or order to make good choices we need to educate ourself...we need good companions...we need reminders...etc...etc....being human...easily we fall and easily with faith we can come up again....Understand that this world is temporary even with all its glories....that the Hereafter is what we should aim for...and yet we fear..fear of the judgement of the wrongs that we did...the backbitings..the promise to Allah swt that we forgot along the way..the promise to obey HIM...but always believe that whatever it is only Allah swt we should not despair in knowing this...and keep on trying..there's no despairing and giving up!!
Well...what I want to say was just about WORRYING...we worry too much...will I pass the test.. will I have enough money...we lose sleep over things... and yet worrying about things like this we did not do anything to overcome it..we just worry for the sake of worrying...Since its already predetermined from 50000 years b4 earth is made so what we do has no basis in changing what is predetermined? Our Qadar...means measures... Here is where we oversimplify by thinking... whats the use of trying for example....since Allah has decree it all... Yes our life has been predetermined by Allah swt but we did not know what it is...we do not know what our actions can do...but by the choices that we have..the freewill to decide we can make good and bad decisions... thats why we have the Quran and Hadith to guide us...Its not as easy or as difficult that we might think..but definitely we need to seek knowledge..explore... find out from scholars for those issues that requires not merely take the word of someone whom we are not sure of their going to a heart surgeon for consultation while the pain is only about your tooth..should have gone to the dentist first..Seek from those in the right field to make us understand...
Like my ustazah use to say also...Emm..I want to learn Arabic or memorize this doa..but we did not go and find a teacher..we did not do any homework...we did not take action..we just wish it and hopes everything will come to us without us doing nothing...When somebody ask something we tend to give out fatwa's...not really answering the questions...We say Ooo..this is Haram..this is Halal...Need to understand this more....
He..he...reminding me that the class is just next Sunday & Monday and I havent start on anything....thats when I find that time is wheezing so fast by me....
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Youth..Teenagers..Kids..Tough Love...
Somedays just seems to be dragging by..most times I wish that things esp. life are without hiccups but than again it would not be life...
When your kids are small you only worry about feeding them right most of the time. So that they grow up healthy and strong. Slights here and there is normal cause most times eventhough rebellious you can always catch them and hold tight.
Teenagers are another world of its own. Do you know that "youth" is a term from teenagers till about 40 years of age ? Beyond 40 than you are a mature adult..he..he..he.. No wonder life starts at 40..But than come to think of it...there's many truths behind this statement. Reflect back on your life and you are sure to come to some truth about this...Anyway...from this statement what is expected that once you reach should have all the maturity in life to settle down and be more organized in life..If at 40 you are still easily tick-off or unaccountable for many of your actions than growth in terms of the grey matter up there might have been stunted somewhat.. Well..believe me some says all your experience in life should culminate once crossing this number and you can therefore chart your life or what remains of it that each and everyday is cherished till the day do us part..ehemm... Something basically simple to say will be...if forever you are hard headed cursing here and its more expected that you are more calm not easily perturbed by the small intricasies that you face daily life...
But will all this calmness works if you were to work or face with your teenagers? I am facing 3 teenagers right now. A friend use to say.."What ?? You are a teenager? Soo..You can kill people now?".. I understand what she means behind it...As if once you are a teenager you got a license to kill or do just about anything...
How can you protect them and let them go thru this phase with less glitches and bruises.. especially when it comes to matters of the heart...Not really with the opposite gender but with families and friends and those they come in contact with as they move along...I guess in wanting to establish their identity they will face many heartbreaks or breakdowns? This is the worse case...
I shall write more about this...I am still overwhelm by it all in wanting to give the right support and advices to my now teenagers. At the same time..I am hurting to see how they are facing the insecurities but it also hurts at how they hurl back their insecurities on the things they are more accustomed to.
When your kids are small you only worry about feeding them right most of the time. So that they grow up healthy and strong. Slights here and there is normal cause most times eventhough rebellious you can always catch them and hold tight.
Teenagers are another world of its own. Do you know that "youth" is a term from teenagers till about 40 years of age ? Beyond 40 than you are a mature adult..he..he..he.. No wonder life starts at 40..But than come to think of it...there's many truths behind this statement. Reflect back on your life and you are sure to come to some truth about this...Anyway...from this statement what is expected that once you reach should have all the maturity in life to settle down and be more organized in life..If at 40 you are still easily tick-off or unaccountable for many of your actions than growth in terms of the grey matter up there might have been stunted somewhat.. Well..believe me some says all your experience in life should culminate once crossing this number and you can therefore chart your life or what remains of it that each and everyday is cherished till the day do us part..ehemm... Something basically simple to say will be...if forever you are hard headed cursing here and its more expected that you are more calm not easily perturbed by the small intricasies that you face daily life...
But will all this calmness works if you were to work or face with your teenagers? I am facing 3 teenagers right now. A friend use to say.."What ?? You are a teenager? Soo..You can kill people now?".. I understand what she means behind it...As if once you are a teenager you got a license to kill or do just about anything...
How can you protect them and let them go thru this phase with less glitches and bruises.. especially when it comes to matters of the heart...Not really with the opposite gender but with families and friends and those they come in contact with as they move along...I guess in wanting to establish their identity they will face many heartbreaks or breakdowns? This is the worse case...
I shall write more about this...I am still overwhelm by it all in wanting to give the right support and advices to my now teenagers. At the same time..I am hurting to see how they are facing the insecurities but it also hurts at how they hurl back their insecurities on the things they are more accustomed to.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
What I Have & Have Not Been Doing....
- Been practising some memorising of As-Sajdah..manage the first 5
- Going to Monday classes..that's why the memorizing above...
- Been straightening up my collections of trying to sort them by interests...
- Clearing up my laundry and ironing...just my tudungs still in the basket..been thinking that it's such an easy task but still not get done...
- Completed paying this month bills and last month daily monitoring...
- Did an entry update...shucks...wish it was more..
- Got my frozen curry puffs, keria and cok badak..he..he..easy peasy tea treats..
- Been to MK a few times for tea-tarik's...
- Been caught in a few arguments near and far...hate these issues...
- Have manage to resolves certain issues which relate to the arguments..
- Manage to still enjoy foods and life..see..speak..listen...manageable health...syukur to Allah swt for all these small wonders on top of the big ones...
Have Not's...
- Been reading much..
- Been practising my painting strokes..
- Not taking the walk as promised..maybe today..
- Been revising my tafsr..arghh...
- Manage to complete my pantry clean-up..only done the refrigerator...hope to complete b4 repat..
- Keep my temper in check esp with the young ones...
- Been getting the extra few hours night sleep..still abt 5hrs...
- Been actively doing anything at all..just bits here and there
- Even try the cup-cakes recipe that I got..
No matter what...Adzrul and friends manage to get the letters from embassy for status re-affirmation...Totally have move forward in some areas than last month..spiritually that is...
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Wanderings Of My Mind....
The week that was leaves me in a very complicated emotional state or rather too many of the what if's and what I want to do and not get done...Too much lazing on my back didn't help either. Anyway...for what it's worth I believe everybody including myself got a couple of things completed...So the week that was....
Sat. 4/26....Been crazily trying to memorize certain vocabs in order to do a test on my Quran translation..Urghh..been at it for a few days...more like cramping weeks of lessons into 3 days...Been throwing bits of that vits and this vits in order to jog my memory....I feel uncertain and to come myself down...said to myself that whatever is the effort I know I am getting the hasanah although the results or outcome may not be in passing the test...but I least I begin to put together some words...
Sun. 4/27...The test!!! Nervewrecking I can the paper and couldn't believe that I cant read the heart beats so fast...I believe poor copies and handwriting was the cause and not really that I dont know most of it..ha..ha...Halfway thru..I give up says that I got to do it again the following week...sheer mistake as I have again not been studying and tomorrow is Sunday again...
Mon 4/28...Couldn't really remember what were the main things I did except for preparing Zayd's stuff for going to Riyadh for his SAIK band festival..he was blowing this mean thrombone.. but I guess his refusal earlier in going stems more out of nervousness than not knowing what to play..I guess the talk with Mr.Elkins on prev Wed helps to calm his nerves and look forward to the trip as something that is going to be fun...
Tues. 4/29...Just the 3 of us at home...the morning part of my day started off quite good but I got caught in an argument..Got to watch my fuse not to be easily ignited..Myb the way its being thrown or maybe its the truth of the question...the teacher was saying that we are not really focusing on the subjects for class..we want to stick to the safe side..knowing numbers.. colors.. time..That for me was still a struggle...mainly due trying to convert every meaning 3 ways..Arabic-->English-->BM-->Arabic..thats how my brain is accepting it right now..Maybe the age ka?? No wonder it takes ages to grasp and she's not happy of the rate we are going..
I was frank in my intention to learn a new thing and on top of everything that I put myself in I believe its not fair to say that we are not focussing and not spending time say 1 hour a day...I do believe with more time spend I can eventually get it right but my excuse was that I am having much to do...but I also think I can be organize and do better but when she says that as if we just do for whims was not fair..there are some in the class who are really good but some who's eager and says anything are not really that far away ahead of me..he..he..just being mean here... I feel bad for honestly saying what I did..but maybe its just something of my fuse being short again...
Evening time - when for a walk around the golf course with Azlan before Maghrib..completed it in an hour which was great for me...but then dinner at MK almost tip everything off...but sheer bliss the tea-tarik and mee mamak ( fried spagetti MK style)...
Wed..4/30...Lunch was simple as we got invitation from ASB for dinner which definitely going to be a spread as usual. It was definitely fantastic..I envy her for cooking all those lovely get me thinking that what do I know..except for the few mastered recipes I didn't kknow more..I wish I could but in having reliable suppliers before back home makes me leaving the culinary skill aspects of what I should do behind and not really being ashamed of it until NOW...anyway..I manage to put together sort of a Bread Pudding...without the vanilla sauce..I feel so small beside the carrot cake with cream cheese topping by Aida..another sort of a mix cake too..puddings and apams and tapai..the lot...
Thurs ..5/1..its Labor Day!!! But I am still in labor not of the birthing kind...Got to get up early and take everybody for breakfast to MK that is..the labor wa sin getting everyone up so that we can reach MK early and get back to camp by 10:30 bcos Hannah has her Girl Scout Bronze Award - First Aid presentation today...At breakfast get to meet everybody which was and rush back to camp and got to volunteer for the day...being on my feet was not a good idea for that long a time....
What I regret today was my unexpected blurting out my assumptions...shouldn't have done it but it might hurt somebody if the assumption is wrong or just by talking abt it...The eyes might not see the actual truth...Anyway...I believe I am ahead in my assuming so thus the trouble...shouldnt have bothered too..but sometimes I tend to let my heart go..I cannot judge on the same principles that I carry...Well..just for saying it out here...I believe a family unit should have a consideration for each other in the unit i.e. between husband & wife, parents&children and between siblings. But then again the care and considerations may not be the same for everybody..but myb due to some privy that we got to know way back makes what we see today looks a little bit off-sided. coming to Saudi..many ladies had to forgo things that they are use to going to work and earning under their name..but when does this earning not become so important and not having this doesnt even indicates that your freedom is at stake..?? The feeling of having to depend on somebody even for the small pocket money you need to get things..does not have to be a sign of your independency being taken away from you...of you not being useful....Ya..lah..sume nak kena terasa rendah diri juga kadang tu..said a friend. Maybe in my case I have been taking for granted many situations that I share with my husband... I didnt have to resign but I want to resign..many people says I will regret it financially but I say know I wont and I still wont..I got the pleasure of spending someones else money..and the pleasure of setting my own time and rules for what I want to do..this is bliss..But anyway... life here is in a way dependent on the husband in a lot ways...if he does not take you anywhere outside of time spend when he's working and you are home..basically the days just fly by... Not saying that I want to keep him to myself all the time..but hey..if he feels like being there with me I am fine with it..basically he doesnt want to do things by himself...but I did tell him..Nanti orang ingat I tak bagi you buat apa2 pulak nak berkepit je dgn I...but truth of the matter is..its been like that since early that I got to again think about it..sometimes ya you need your own space..but then why should I complaint...
Zayd returns abt 8:00pm on a bus who had had AC problem from 50miles back..the kids were running the bus and rolling on the grass...He was saying how fun it was...Lucky that he got to go..huh..huh...
Friday..5/2...Adzrul says the qualification paper for matric is obtained and should not be a problem to sit for his finals. earlier there were an absolute get the approval. spend the nite looking for cup cake recipe instead of studying..but hey..I manage to memorize ayat 1-4 of Sajdah...very happy abt it..but got 4 more to memorize by Monday.. have fun drooling on this Chocolate Cupcake.

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