Free hand drawing practising the strokes...might as well get it in frame form.. the leaves and calyxs still did not turn out well..I am using PLAID as it is quite easily available in Zamil stores and it cost about SR6 per 2 oz Jarir I can get a 15% discount but most times required colors are not available.
The first picture frame I painted using One Stroke style..but the design doesnt turn out well..
Terracota Flower pot..basecoat with Licorice and using comma strokes for the flowers..
2nd.picture frame...this time tried to be more adventurous....
This is orinally stove burner covers bought at Jameel store...after sanding and repainting the base to different looks more promising...
For the covers..the leaves are still my biggest problem to get the right color match...but for my own seems quite least I did it myself...wish I have more time to practise. For some time now I have been under the weather...mainly coughing and block nose and sometimes feverish...I hope I will be better least for the trip to London & Paris soon...