Last Monday 23rd of October was the first day of Syawal in Dhahran. As many of us had expected it to be Monday rather than Sunday, the preparations for Eid was less of a struggle.. meaning that I got to go out and buy the stuffs as planned and cooked them in a timely manner. We had an open house the afternoon of Eid... It was part our hosting the event and part pot-luck that made it more of a celebration...celebration of food that is..I had prepared nasi impit ( Adabi&Nona of course!!), kuah kacang my style...mee rebus rasaku..satay ayam&daging and BBQ...while friends brought over nasi dagang,laksam,nasi minyak,mee hoon goreng,mee udang,nasi pulut kuning,martabak, kuah lodeh and many-many more till two tables were overflowing..
Masyaállah..the food was way too much..and actually everyone was quite full since in the morning we had two rounds of breakfast visiting friends...But I believe it was more of a get together where almost everyone was there..and we got to the men were busy BBQúing. While the Nik's family help with the satay skewing( cucuk satay pada lidi !!)..I hope I got the right word..
In between the bustle..I manage to talk to Adzrul while he was enjoying his own Eid party in Kursk...this will be our fifth time having not been together for Eid...Well..though was meant to be...Adzrul made his own nasi impit from scratch..and since Kursk is cool so the nasi impit turns out good he says...I still remember those days years agao when I was in Carbondale preparing my own nasi impit and stuffs for Eid..adzrul was still a baby at that time flies.....